A tour to the first neighborhoods created when the residents stepped out of Old City’s walls. Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Nahalat Shiv’a, Yamin Moshe, Beit-David and Nachlaot. A tour through Neviim Street following the big powers – the Russian Compound, the Sergei Court, Beth Mahanaim, the Italian Hospital, the Ethiopian Church, the Conrad Schick Home, the various hospitals, the Anna Ticho house and more. Significant and impressive buildings, built in the 19th century by the super powers of the time, which anchored their hold on Jerusalem
We shall tell about them and about the historical figures which belong to the place and that era.
A tour to the first neighborhoods created when the residents stepped out of Old City’s walls. Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Nahalat Shiv’a, Yamin Moshe, Beit-David and Nachlaot. A tour through Neviim Street following the big powers – the Russian Compound, the Sergei Court, Beth Mahanaim, the Italian Hospital, the Ethiopian Church, the Conrad Schick Home, the various hospitals, the Anna Ticho house and more. Significant and impressive buildings, built in the 19th century by the super powers of the time, which anchored their hold on Jerusalem
We shall tell about them and about the historical figures which belong to the place and that era.